Family Astrology

I’ve been reading a book lately, called The Astrology of Fate, by Liz Greene. In this book, there is a chapter about astrology and the family. It features the charts of an anonymous family, including the parents, children, grandparents, and even an aunt. These charts had many similarities, surprisingly enough. Similar aspects and signs showed up prominently and repeatedly throughout the family’s charts. So this got me curious.

I’d looked at my own family’s charts before, but had never really compared them in this sort of way. After some research and studying up on my family’s charts, I found multiple “hereditary” astrological influences in my family.

The first thing I noticed, was that my dad has a stellium in Pisces. For those of you who don’t know, a stellium is a term describing a cluster of 3+ planets in the same sign. My dad is very much a Pisces, with his Mercury, Sun and Moon all in this sign. My Saturn, the planet that symbolically represents the father, is in Pisces, and my Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, is on my rising sign in a 1 degree conjunction. In turn, I also have a very Piscean influence that softens my Scorpio/Sagittarius/Capricorn combination.

It gets even more interesting though with my grandma’s chart, my dad’s mother. In her chart, she has a stellium in Aries. And in my dad’s chart, his Mars (the planet ruling Aries) is on his rising in a 1 degree conjunction. Are you seeing a pattern here? I’ve read that a lot of times, parents will have a prominent sign that shows up somehow in their child’s chart. This is definitely true for my family.

Another thing I noticed, in my family at least, is that my dad’s IC is in Aries, reflecting his mother’s stellium in Aries once again. My IC is in Taurus, reflecting my mother’s Taurus stellium. The IC typically relates to your childhood and early home environment, and also can point towards the mother, as the 4th house cusp/IC is ruled by Cancer and the Moon generally.

In families, aspects can also be inherited. For example, in my family, my mom and I both have Mercury conjunct Venus both square to Uranus. This is the only exact inherited aspect I’ve come across so far, but we also share aspects between the Moon and Venus, Mars and Saturn, Moon and Saturn, Mercury and Neptune, and Saturn and Neptune. My grandmother and I also share a very close conjunction between Mercury and Venus.

One thing that’s particularly interesting to me about my family is that my grandma, my brother and I all have Sagittarius moon signs. In this sense, we understand each other emotionally. My grandmother and my brother and I are very close as well.

My brother and my dad also share the same Libra midheaven, though their other angles are different. They both excel at computers, with my brother having Uranus and Jupiter in Aquarius, and my dad having Venus, Mars and his Ascendant in Aquarius (Aquarius/Uranus rules technology advancements generally speaking).

Often times in family astrology, there can also be a lack of particular signs consecutively in the charts of each member. In my family, we are lacking Cancer and Gemini energy in our charts. On the flip side, we have an abundance of Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces, and Aquarius in our charts.

Unfortunately I only have the chart information of my immediate family and my paternal grandmother, but if you’re lucky enough to know the birth data of your family, study up on those charts! See what you find! Your findings may surprise you and give you a better understanding of your family.

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